Avoid those sneaky expenses ruining your plans

As cost-of-living increases, many of us look for obvious ways to cut expenses, like cancelling streaming services, dining out less, and skipping extras in our shopping baskets. But what about the less obvious ways? Sneaky fees and charges can increase our day-to-day living expenses without us realising it.  Here are some hidden or avoidable costs … Read more

The potential impact of student loans when buying a home

For many Australians, particularly young Australians, the dream of home ownership is often accompanied by the reality of carrying student loans, known as HECS-HELP debt. Understanding the impact of HECS debt on your ability to secure a home loan can help you plan for and navigate the home loan process. Example Sarah, is a 32-year-old … Read more

Financial Strategies for Freelancers

Since the earliest days of commerce, industries have looked for ways to reduce costs. For many, this meant designing business models around a lean workforce. Yet, seasonal peaks and troughs and operational pressures exposed a flaw in this thinking. Cue the gig economy worker, or freelancer. While freelancing has been around for years, it really gained … Read more