Steps to help you plan for a super retirement

In 1996, total superannuation assets were $245 billion. By 2007, they had surpassed $1 trillion and had exceeded GDP. Today, Australia’s superannuation system as a collective is nudging a staggering $4 trillion, underscoring the system’s growth and importance. Whilst our compulsory employer contribution scheme ensures a steady stream of funds into retirement savings, there are … Read more

Super scams the new target

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) has warned about a new scam targeting superannuation savings1. Through cold calls, scammers attempt to extract your personal and superannuation fund details by offering incentives in the form of gift cards, competitions or mobile phones. Some induce victims to create an account on their ‘comparison website’ to legitimise … Read more

A new movement for a better lifestyle

Do you have a twelve-a-day habit? We’re talking seated hours, not cigarettes. Studies indicate that sitting too much and moving too little can be just as bad for your health. The Victorian Government’s Better Health website suggests that sitting is the new smoking, and plenty of studies are backing up the claim. According to government … Read more