Proactive time management tips

As we speed headlong into another year, it’s helpful to sit back and look at how we can better manage our time. Proactive time management means you have a plan to manage what you need to do. With a plan, even if something unexpected happens, you won’t be so overwhelmed that it completely throws you … Read more

Successful job hunting for school leavers

Every January, countless school leavers across Australia embark on their job-hunting journey. In 2022, the ‘NSW Post School Destinations and Experiences Survey’ found that of 42,388 secondary school leavers, approximately 50% continued to higher education, while the remaining 50% chose to seek employment (14% apprenticeship; 13% part-time work; 8% full-time work; 7% looking for work; … Read more

To gift or not to gift? What about your pension?

With Australia’s age pension being subject to an assets and income test, giving away some assets is often viewed as a simple way for part-pensioners, or individuals who do not qualify for age pension(due to excessive assets), to increase or receive some level of pension payment. Not surprisingly, the government is on to such an … Read more

Vacation relaxation… with travel insurance

Lost luggage, medical emergencies, travel disruptions, theft—these are the unexpected surprises that can accompany travelling. While they can be difficult enough to manage in the comfort of your own home, they become even more daunting when in a foreign country. Consider travel insurance as your secret weapon to keep your holiday stress-free and enjoyable. It … Read more

Mastering the Art of Investing

In an age where investing has evolved from an elite club to a widespread phenomenon, have you ever stopped to wonder what separates successful investors from the rest? The answer lies in mastering the art of investing, a skill accessible to anyone willing to learn but that requires patience, consistency, and discipline… much like any … Read more